1. Organization structure
a. What is company?
b. What is Company code?
c. What is Business area
d. Why you are not assigning business area to company code?
e. What is plant & why you assign plant to company code?
f. Where you assign business area in Profit center?
g. What is different between profit center & business area?
h. What is Profit center?
i. What is Segment? It’s uses.
j. What is Cost center?
k. What is Controlling Area?
1. Financial Accounting Global setting
a. What is field status group? Its importance?
b. What is fiscal year & its types/ uses?
c. What is posting periods variant?
d. What is open & closing posting variant?
e. What is real time integration with co and its configuration?
f. What is parallel accounting fundamental?
g. What is leading ledger?
h. What is Non leading ledger?
i. What are document types & its controls?
j. What do mean by document in entry view?
k. What do mean by document in ledger view?
j. What is posting key? What does it control?
m. Where you create the document change rules for document header, line item?
n. What is authorization in every TOOL NODE
2 General ledger
a. What is chart of accounts?
b. How many chart of account is assign to company code? Can I assign group chart of account to company code?
c. What is Gl account?
d. What is t.code to copy Gl for chart of account & company code – OBY7/OBY2
e. What is financial statement version?
f. What is document splitting & its type?
g. Where do you configure for manual accrual?
3. Currency setting
a. Types of Currency in sap system?
b. What is a usage of index currency?
c. What is a usage of hard currency?
d. What is direct quotation & direct Quotation?
e. What is currency ratio?
f. What is exchange rate type?
4. What is account group? While creation of GL account if I need field one should be mandatory then how it should be done?
5.Document processing
a. What is the base line date? Where we make default base line date?
b. If base line date is considered as the due date? Then what is due date?
c. What is partial & residual payment?
d. What is external number range & what is internal number range?
1. How pricing procedure is determined in SD & what will be accounting flow in FI?
2. What is a payment term?
It is a SLA with business partner to settle the dues.
0001c- immediate due
002 – 14 days 3%, 30 days 2%, net due 45 days.
3. What is validation & substitution?
4. Tell me the procurement life cycle?
5. Gl master – Questions
a. What is an account manage only balance in local currency?
b. What is alternative Account Number?
c. What is an account managed in external system?
d. What is Open Item Management?
e. What is Line Item Display?
f. What is sort key?
g. What field status group
h. What is Post automatically
i. At time of creation of GL which fields are important?
Company code At Global parameter?
a. Company code is productive
b. What is Negative posting allowed?
c. What is tax base is net value?
d. What is discount base is net value?
e. What is default value date option?
a. What is TDS?
b. Tell procedure of withholding tax?
c. What is different between w.tax type & w.tax code?
d. What is different between classic w.tax types & extended w. tax?
e. If party is 20% is exempted how you will configured?
f. TDS Journal entry?
g. TDS configuration steps?
h. TDS adjustments
8. CIN
a. What is different between taxinj & taxinn?
Accounts payable
a. How many accounts group & reconciliation account you have created in your project?
b. Accrual & Defferal?
c. APP
i. What are the uses of additional log in app?
ii. What is free selection tab in app?
iii. What is next run date in app?
iv. Can we make Down payment through App?
2. Accounts Receivable
a. What dunning? Explain the dunning procedure?
3. Cash & Bank Accounting
a. Cash journal Configuration?
b. Manual Bank Reconciliation configuration?
c. Electronic Bank Reconciliation configuration?
4. Asset Accounting
a. What is chart of depreciation?
b. What is Depreciation Area?
c. What is account determination?
d. What is asset Class?
e. What is multilevel method?
f. What is period control method?
g. What is Depreciation key?
h. How AUC is settled?
5. FI-MM Integration
a. What is valuation area?
b. What is valuation grouping Code?
c. What is general/account modifier?
d. What is Valuation class?
e. What is Material Type?
f. What is event/transaction key?
g. What is automatic account determination?
h. Can we do MiRO before MIGO?
i. What is procurement cycle?
j. What the movement types are used mostly?
6. Controlling
a. Controlling organization
i. What is controlling area?
ii. What is cover version?
iii. What are Number Range & What are the groups are important for FI & CO Posting.
b. Cost element
i. What is cost element account?
ii. What is primary cost element?
iii. What is primary revenue element?
iv. What is secondary cost element?
v. What is secondary revenue element?
vi. What is external cost element & internal cost element?
vii. What is reconciliation ledger?
c. Cost center
i. What is cost center?
ii. What do you mean by cost object?
iii. What is statistical key figure?
iv. What is activity type?
v. What is distribution?
vi. What is assessment through SKF OR Activity type?
vii. What is direct active & indirect activity?
viii. What is assessment?
ix. What is the t.code to repost the line item?
x. What is the t.code to repost the cost?
xi. Can we do budgeting through Cost center wise?
xii. Can we do fund commitment & commitments through cost center?
xiii. What is dependent cost & what is independent cost?
a. Internal order
i. What is internal order?
ii. What is order type?
iii. What is Allocation structure?
iv. What is real order?
v. What is statistical order?
vi. What is settlement profile?
vii. What is statistical order? Can I create a budgetary control on statistical order?
b. Profit center
i. What is profit center
ii. Differ between profit center & cost center?
What are closing activities?
What are yearend actives?
What were issues get in support project
1. Logical Questions?
a. Client has 3 locations like A, B, C what you will suggest for Profit center & on which basis profit center is decided?
b. Why plant is assign to company code & if plant is abroad then?
c. How COA is transported to development server to production server & Gl balance is uploaded in production server?
d. If company code has 3 plant, 2 are within India (fiscal yearV3), 1 is abroad (fiscal year KR) & branch office in USA (Fiscal year K9). All plants & branch office is used Asset.
Q- How we can manage in asset accounting for different fiscal year for above scenario?
e. Scenario: If Dep. Key is wrongly configured & 6 month deprecation has been charged.
i. Now client suggests that change depreciation percentage/key & charge depreciation again from six month with different percentage .How it is possible?
f. What you can /can’t move from dev. Server to testing server and production server?
g. Doc:
h. What are additional configurations after implementation of the project?
i. What the major zreports?
j. On which profit center would be decided?
k. What is purpose to revaluate the asset at year end?
l. In AFAB- Dep. Run what is repeat mode, & restart mode & unplanned mode?
m. How many accounts group?
n. What is item cost?
o. For “xyz” goods have paid excise of Rs. 30. Now government announced 20% relaxation on basic excise duty for this product or vice versa. How it can be adjusted. (Item cost).
i. If there have 1000 material then